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   2024-09-30 11:21:05 互联网38
核心提示:Pragmatic Semiconductor, a UK-based company

Pragmatic Semiconductor, a UK-based company, has developed a flexible and programmable microchip made from non-silicon materials. This innovative chip can execute machine learning tasks while bent and is manufactured at an astonishing cost under $1. Dubbed Flex-RV, the 32-bit processor employs the open-source RISC-V architecture and utilizes indium gallium zinc oxide (IGZO) technology, breaking away from conventional silicon's rigidity by being fabricated directly on flexible plastic.


Though operating at a speed of 60kHz with a power consumption below 6 milliwatts—far from the gigahertz speeds of silicon chips—Flex-RV's performance is ample for applications such as smart packaging, tags, and wearable medical electronics. Its remarkable flexibility is demonstrated by its ability to accurately run programs even when bent to a radius as tight as 3 millimeters.


Emre Ozer, Pragmatic’s Senior Director of Processor Development, envisions the chip's potential in creating flexible electronic devices like ECG patches. These patches could process electrocardiogram data to classify arrhythmias, enhancing patient care.


The affordability of Flex-RV stems partly from the openness and lack of licensing fees associated with the RISC-V architecture. Ozer asserts that developing license-free microprocessors like Flex-RV can democratize computing. Moreover, the chip's openness invites researchers to integrate programmable machine learning hardware accelerators, broadening its utility within the realm of artificial intelligence.

The groundbreaking research behind Flex-RV has been documented in the esteemed journal Nature, marking a significant stride in the evolution of flexible electronics and AI-integrated chips.

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